Looking for a New Job? Tips for Applicants.


You are looking for a new job and, in turn, employers are looking for qualified candidates.

Many of these tips for job searchers are not new. However, following some or all of them could make a difference for you as a potential candidate.


While content is key, the format of your CV or resume can also be important. Keep it simple but attractive.

  • Include objective statements only if requested by potential employers. Otherwise, they don’t add anything of value to your resume.
  • If you have not completed your university degree or diploma program, don’t make it look like you might have. Simply indicate the current status of your studies or expected completion date.
  • Don’t just list your title, length of time in a position, and tasks, include your key accomplishments and results, as well.
  • Include information about new skills learned or used in various positions.
  • Indicate what you did in the job; not what the team or the unit did.
  • List jobs you have held in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Include only the relevant, not necessarily all your job experiences.
  • Avoid acronyms other than those in common use.
  • Be positive.
  • Use simple language. And proofread (or have someone do it for you, or both).
  • Research other sources on CV/resume writing.

Continue reading Looking for a New Job? Tips for Applicants.

Ten tips on how to succeed on your next job interview


The coaches of Y2 Consulting Psychologists have conducted hundreds of interview simulations to help employees and managers land their dream job or move up the corporate ladder. Using the services of specialised coaches who can lead you through a selection board simulation and provide you with developmental feedback is often regarded as the most efficient strategy in helping individuals get a promotion. Below are some tips from Y2CP’s coaches on how to better perform on your next interview:

  1. Carefully read the work description (and if provided the statement of merit criteria) for the position you are considering, paying particular attention to the essential and asset qualifications (e.g. experience, knowledge, abilities and personal suitability) required.
  2. Inquire about how the selection interview will proceed (e.g. How long will the interview last? What will the interview focus on? Will you be getting the interview questions in advance to prepare? If so, how much prep time will you have? How long will the interview be? How many people will be interviewing you?).
  3. Check out the company’s Website. Research and review major reports. Also, research and review the company’s mission, mandate, values, etc. Finally, research and review current news and information about the company – key initiatives and happenings. If you have colleagues/friends working in that company, contact them for the latest news.
  4. If possible, speak with current or former employees working in the company you are trying to work for. Perhaps they can provide you with some information on how the job interview was conducted in their own case, and what they thought to be particularly challenging. Continue reading Ten tips on how to succeed on your next job interview